audio demo

text reference audio " Nor do I think it a part of Marianne's , " said Elinor ; " I should hardly call her a lively girl, she is very earnest , very eager in all she does, sometimes talks a great deal and always with animation, but she is not often really merry ." "Tell him I must see him again, must speak to him instantly . I cannot rest, I shall not have a moment's peace till this is explained, some dreadful misapprehension or other . Oh go to him this moment . " So, uh, I was thinking no, I mean, I was wondering if, um, if you might want to go to the, uh, the new Italian restaurant on Friday? I've heard it's really what's the word oh, exquisite, and they, ah, they have the best, uh, seafood in town. I was, uh, driving down the interstate, and this, this huge truck just came out of nowhere. It was so close, I mean, I literally had to, to swerve to the, to the oh, what do you call it the shoulder! Yeah, and I, well, I almost hit the barrier.
text "我没死?难道有人救了我?"床榻上,楚离猛地睁开双眼,身上传来的阵阵刺痛,让他眉头顿时紧紧皱起。 目光撇过,却是一件奢华的房屋,虽然浑身疼痛无比,但楚离却知道他还活着。 主战场北面的山头上黑蒙蒙一片,黑色旗甲的兵团整肃的排列在风字大纛旗下严阵以待,愤怒的望着南面山头的晋军,随时准备再次冲杀。 紫风历二百四四年夏,凉河西岸的横领山地,打了一场罕见的恶仗。
text "慕容飞,你真的打算去挑战那个叫做赵无极的家伙吗?"一个粗犷的声音打破了酒馆的宁静,慕容飞抬起头,看向来人。 铁胆愣了一下,然后大笑起来,"哈哈,好,我就喜欢你这股子劲。只是赵无极可不是省油的灯,他是天地无极门的弟子,实力强大,你可要小心一些。" 雪花无声无息地落下,白茫茫的世界里,唯一的颜色就是那座孤独的山峰,伫立在寒风中,像一座孤独的战士。 这是一个名叫慕容飞的少年,他在山腰的一处石洞中修炼,他的目光坚毅,眼中闪烁着坚定的光芒。他的手中握着一本破旧的秘籍,上面记录的是一种名为"天地无极"的功法。
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