" Nor do I think it a part of Marianne's , " said Elinor ; " I should hardly call her a lively girl, she is very earnest , very eager in all she does, sometimes talks a great deal and always with animation, but she is not often really merry ."
"Tell him I must see him again, must speak to him instantly . I cannot rest, I shall not have a moment's peace till this is explained, some dreadful misapprehension or other . Oh go to him this moment . "
So, uh, I was thinking no, I mean, I was wondering if, um, if you might want to go to the, uh, the new Italian restaurant on Friday? I've heard it's really what's the word oh, exquisite, and they, ah, they have the best, uh, seafood in town.
I was, uh, driving down the interstate, and this, this huge truck just came out of nowhere. It was so close, I mean, I literally had to, to swerve to the, to the oh, what do you call it the shoulder! Yeah, and I, well, I almost hit the barrier.